
our services

All our treatments are performed without cuts, but the results are equivalent to those of traditional open surgery. Therefore the risk of complications is minimized and the recovery period is significantly shorter, so our patients can resume their everyday activities much sooner.

“Our mission is to provide outstanding service to our patients; to be both professional and humane; to make sure that our patients are well-informed and relaxed when they arrive and satisfied when they leave.”

András Gát, founder



Surgery without cuts

Our institute offers you an alternative: we provide RadioFrequency Ablation therapy backed by equipment and expertise unique in the region to treat benign thyroid nodules (strumas).



Minimum stress for the body

Thanks to the embolization technique available at our institute, the uterus will not be removed, and the treatment causes only minimum stress for the body, as it is performed without anaesthesia and incisions.



Innovative state-of-the-art procedure

As an alternative solution, our Health Centre offers the regionally unique cryoablation therapy (freezing), allowing our patients to have their fibroadenomas treated effectively without being cut or having to go under general anaesthetic.



Minimum waiting time

If you are diagnosed or suspected to have a hormonal disease, at our institute we can reset the hormonal balance in your body and can help you organize further treatment.


Premier Med Healthcare, Training and Research Institute provides state-of-the-art, minimally invasive, innovative treatments for patients with benign thyroid nodules, benign breast tumour and varicose veins. Situated in an exclusive environment in Buda, the Institute boasts operating rooms fitted with state-of-the-art technology and a team whose expertise and commitment is singular in Central Europe.

About us

Our profession and our commitment to our patients motivated us to provide an environment where our patients can make themselves at home while enjoying a comfortable and discreet stay leading to a fast recovery.

Our physicians


a room with medical equipment

Private Healthcare in a Unique Institute

“In our Institute we distinguish ourselves by offering only special procedures that are not available elsewhere in the Central European region.”

“Premier Med shows our commitment to state of the art service and professional excellence” – Interview with Katalin Gátay, Director of Premier Med Healthcare, Training and Research Institute.

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Új szolgáltatásunk: miómakezelés vágás és altatás nélkül

New service: myoma treatment without cuts and anaesthesia

During traditional surgery removing myomas, often the whole uterus is removed. Thanks to the embolization technique available at our institute, the uterus will not be removed, and the treatment causes only minimum stress for the body, as it is performed without anaesthesia and incisions.

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A választás szabadsága a visszérkezelésben

Freedom of choice in varicose vein treatment

Many regard vascular surgery as a somewhat “inflexible” field of medicine, where the number of choices is rather limited. However, in the surgery of Ferenc Schmal MD at the Premier Med Health Centre, you will see that nothing could be farther from the truth.

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Radiofrequency procedure: thyroid surgery without cuts

Radiofrequency ablation we perform has been in use since the early 2000s and has proved efficient in the treatment of different tumours. RFA is a procedure without cuts, during which a fine needle is introduced into the tumour. The needle is then heated and the increased temperature results in the destruction of the tumour cells. As a full and complete procedure it is an alternative to open surgery.

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